File Structures

Within this theme you’ll find the following directories and files, grouping common resources and providing both compiled and minified distribution files, as well as raw source files.

Quick start


assets is where all HTML pages are stored. Use any of these to start building your website. Everything is exactly as see in the live preview. Each page is named after its sApp so it can be easy for you to find the one you need. You can open it directly in your browser or your favourite editor to modify its contents.


css contains all of raw source files that are used to create the final CSS that is included in the theme. CSS is structured in one main folder fonts & other css files:


fonts contains all the third party fonts that used in sApp.


img contains all images used in this theme, backgrounds, icons, patterns and more.


js contains all of raw source files that are used to create the awesome animation that is included in the theme. JS is structured in three main folders & a main js file named active js.


contains bootstrap.min.js & popper.min.js scripts included in sApp.


contains jQuery plugins.


We have combined and compress all the plugins into one file plugins.min.js to load the site faster.


php contains the source file mail.php that are used to create the dynamic contact form.


webfonts contains all the fontawesome fonts that used in sApp.